What are Common Grooming Behavioral Problems With Dogs?

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Pet grooming is one of those must-do things when being a responsible pet owner. However, many pets make it difficult to allow themselves to be groomed for a variety of reasons. At Troy’s Trims & Treats in Englewood, NJ, we’ve seen our fair share of behavioral problems with dogs that proved to be too difficult for their owners to groom themselves. Our professional groomers know how to guide your pet and avoid troublesome behaviors in response to grooming.

Why You Should Groom Your Pet

Grooming your pet once in awhile is a must, especially if you own a long-haired breed that requires more upkeep to remain presentable than dogs with short hair. Matting is especially a concern for many of the adorable breeds we are quite fond of, such as Poodles, Maltese, Havanese, and all manner of mixed breeds such as Cavapoos, Maltipoo, Goldendoodle, etc.

Matting is not just an aesthetic concern, but can be quite uncomfortable for your pet when they have too much matted hair. Much of grooming is actually not focused on aesthetics first, the most important things keep your pet clean and healthy. For example, trimming their nails can help prevent any deformities or discomforts in the claws that would affect their gait which can reduce chances of injury or postural pains.

Keeping well groomed also limits the chances that fleas and other pests can take residence in your pet’s fur.

Dog Responses to Grooming – Common Behavioral Problems With Dogs

Running away is one of the most common behavioral problems with dogs when someone tries to groom them. They have no idea what you’re trying to do, but they sense something is up! Similar responses can be seen when trying to get a dog to take a bath.

Sometimes dogs may show aggression towards a groomer they don’t know. Our jobs as groomers is to develop a positive relationship with your pet so they can feel comfortable being groomed by us. There are many ways to do this, but the best is simply frequent contact, moving slowly, and of course, treats!

On the opposite end of the spectrum, many dogs may show fear or anxiety when trying to be groomed. Barking, howling, and whining can be common behavioral problems with dogs to grooming attempts. These fear based behaviors, much like in people, are volatile and can also lead to the other problem behaviors such as running away or aggression.

How to Help Your Dogs Enjoy Grooming & Avoid Behavioral Problems

Our biggest tip is to look at dropping off your pet for grooming as a process that requires some time up front, but once everything is set, it’s the easiest thing in the world. Most dogs are no issues at all, but for dogs that show some of the strong reactions we’ve discussed, there are some preemptive things that can be done.

  1. Make sure your pet is in good spirits before you take them to the groomer. Bringing in a pet that is tired, hungry, or otherwise uncomfortable can be an unnecessary spark that can make grooming difficult.
  2. If your dog is not well socialized, this can create problems in many different situations, including at the groomer. Dogs that are poorly socialized will not react well to unfamiliar environments, sounds, smells, etc. A big part of socializing your dog is simply allowing them more outside time and taking them with you to dog-friendly places more often.
  3. Groom them at home! Of course, we’d love to be your choice of groomer and help you free up time as well as help your pup look their best. However, having the pet owner perform basic grooming tasks from time to time can help your dog become accustomed to the process.
  4. Piggybacking on the last point, coming in to watch your pet be groomed once or twice can help you identify any potential behavioral triggers. After all, you know your dog’s little quirks and nuances best.

Dog Groomer Englewood NJ

Visit Troy’s Trims & Treats for the best grooming experience your dog has ever had! We offer a full range of services and have been grooming pets for years.

Contact us today or view our services online, we look forward to hearing from you!

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